The Sportsman's Paradise Amateur Radio Club (SPARC) is a group that enjoys the many aspects of Amateur Radio. There are members who enjoy Digital Modes, HF, county hunting, Satellite Communication, APRS, and even home brewing radios and other equipment. Everyone, of any age, is welcome to attend our club meetings and we look forward to meeting you. No previous experience in radio or electronics is necessary. We are happy to guide you in the right direction for preparation to pass the test, and even administer the test here in
Wakulla County at no charge.
Club Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month (except December) at the Wakulla County Public Library at 7:00 PM EST.
Club dues of $25 per year are primarily used for club insurance, repeater equipment & maintenance, as well as utility bills in keeping that equipment up and running.
Annual dues are not required to attend meetings or use repeaters!