We meet at the Wakulla County Public Library
in Crawfordville on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm.
We are in the larger room on the South side of the building.
Fox Hunt!
The fox is a hidden transmitter - no animals being hunted down here
March 8th 9am
Ochlockonee River State Park
(We will meet at the pavilion near the floating dock)
The event is free to attend but there is a park entrance fee.
Bring your VHF Direction Finding gear.
This hunt will be on foot, in the park.
Lunch afterwards!
Join us at our annual tail-gate!
Free to attend - Free to sell
April 5, 2025 10am to 2pm
Wakulla County Community Center
318 Shadeville Road
Crawfordville, Florida
Test Sessions given on the 2nd Thursday of
every 'odd numbered' month at the
Visit our 'Test Session' page for more information.
Weekly Net - Mondays 7:30pm - 145.450 pl 94.8
PO Box 1840
Crawfordville, Florida 32326
Surrounding Area Nets:
Taylor 145.350- pl 123 Sunday 7pm
Leon 147.030+ pl 94.8 Sunday 7:30pm ARES Training
Leon 147.030+ pl 94.8 Sunday 8pm ARES
Madison 145.190 pl 123 Sunday 9pm
Jackson 146.670- Monday 7pm
Wakulla 145.450- pl 94.8 Monday 7:30pm
Jackson 146.460 simplex alternating Mondays 7:30pm
Jackson 28.460 simplex alternating Mondays 7:30pm
Jefferson 145.430- pl 94.8 Monday 8pm
Thomasville Kids Net 145.170- pl 141.3 Tuesday 8pm
Franklin 145.230- pl 123 Thursday 7:30pm
Tallahassee 146.910 pl 94.8 Thursday 8pm
Local HF Nets:
N.FL. ARES - Daily 8:30am except Sunday 3950KHz
FL Phone Traffic - Daily 6:55am 3940KHz
FL Mid-day Traffic - Daily 12pm 7242KHz
Skywarn - 1st Sunday of each month 7:30pm 3810KHz
N.FL. Digital -Sunday 7pm (PSK31) 3590KHz